Shopping Malls / Foods

Are you the one who treats shopping and eating local foods as one of your priorities during your trip? Yes! Shopping and eating your way through the entire Penang will be the best way to experience and explore the city, especially for those shopaholics and foodies. Get ready and follow me on this amazing journey!

Gurney Plaza / Gurney Paragon / 1st Avenue /  Prangin Mall / Queensbay Mall

Look here, shoppers! Shopping is always a must-do item on your travel list, right? All these shopping malls/centres are the perfect shopping haven for you, whether you're a budget or luxury shopper when you're in Penang. You can immerse yourself in the local style of shopping with all kinds of international brands, including Coach, Birkenstock and Mont Blanc. There are plenty of restaurants and cafés if you wish to have an “energy charge up” after that. If you decide to stay longer, you can even opt to watch your favourite movie at the cinema before you leave. Take your step to these shopping paradises, and they'll definitely satisfy your shopping needs in Penang. Bring back a little reminder of your exposure here with local merchandise.

Design Village

In order to complete your shopping desire, you've no reason to skip Design Village – the first and only outlet mall in Penang and, of course, the biggest in Malaysia as well. Unlike other shopping centres, it's a single-storey semi-open-air mall with sheltered walkways, which provides a new shopping experience. It consists of various international and local brands like Levi’s, Timberland and Bonia; it's a perfect place for you to spend your entire day there where you won’t be disappointed. If you're lucky, you'll have the chance to witness the special event/activity happening at the main Central Plaza. Take a break and treat yourself by having a cup of coffee at its famous café while you're there. No doubt that it'll definitely make your day.

Asam Laksa

Do you know Penang Asam Laksa was voted Number 7 among the World’s 50 Best Food by CNN Travel? With its combination of sweet, sour, and spicy taste, it is always a Malaysian all-time favourite noodle. No journey to Penang would be complete without taking a bowl of Penang Asam Laksa. You'll be surprised that you'll order a second bowl after finishing the first bowl, as its taste will never fail to amaze you.

Char Koay Teow

Besides Asam Laksa, Char Koay Teow is one of the Penang foods that hits the spot for all foodies. It can be found in most hawker stalls, and you've no reason to skip it during your meal. It's truly a Penang speciality, as it will “touch your heart” and add excitement to your dining experience. Don’t miss the chance to taste Char Koay Teow while you're in Penang; it promises an unbelievable taste and dining experience.

Hokkien Mee

If you're a seafood lover, you should not miss a taste of Hokkien Mee - one of the famous Penang local dishes. Why? The soup of a good bowl of Hokkien Mee is boiled for hours with prawn shells and heads. This is also one of the reasons why it's called Prawn Mee, especially in Kuala Lumpur. Rain or shine, having a taste of Hokkien Mee is one of the must-do items on your itinerary, which you'll not regret if you're truly a seafood lover!


Are you the type who always consumes salad as your complete meal? If yes, you'll definitely like Penang Rojak. It has a selection of local fruits and vegetables, making it the perfect meal for you. It's served with black sauce and topped with crushed peanuts. Without both of them, your “Penang Rojak” dining experience will not be complete. If the sauce delights your taste buds, you may purchase it to take home with you.


One ice-cold dessert that you should put on your to-eat list when you're in Penang is a bowl of Cendol. You may get it from the food trucks by the side of the road, and it'll definitely refresh you in such hot weather. Walking and eating all your way through Penang Street will be the best way for you to experience one part of Penang City. Hence, always remember to cool yourself down with a bowl of Cendol after a long walk.

Fried Oyster (Oh Cien)

All of us know that Penang is a haven for street food, and it is always flooded with travellers from all around the world with the aim of eating and tasting the varieties of Penang foods. Act as one of the iconic street foods, the fried oyster can be found in most of the hawker stalls in Penang. You should serve it with chilli sauce for a better taste. For those who are addicted to oysters, a plate of fried oysters should not be skipped when you're in Penang.


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