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Durian Museum

penang Feb 01, 2021

Curious why Durian is the King of Fruits in Southeast Asia? Pay a visit to this place, and you’ll get the answer!

Durian Museum - the one-stop centre to showcase everything you need to know about this fruit. It’s located at level 3 of The TOP KOMTAR - the tallest building in Penang, Malaysia.

Once you step into this museum, a tall “durian tree” surrounding with the photo of different types of durian is awaiting you there to discover. Take a photo with it before continue your journey.


Durian Fun Facts

Guide to Plant Durian Trees

Benefits of Durian


Traditional Durian Products

Modern Durian Products

Durian Flavored Recipes

Durian Flavored Recipes

From the durian fun facts, a guide to plant durian trees, benefits of durian to the durian products as well as durian flavoured recipes, there’s always something that can catch your attention in this amazing museum.


Tricks on How to Get Rid of the Durian Smell

Yes! You can even know the tricks on how to get rid of the durian smell. I never know washing hands with cucumbers can be one of the methods too. Discover all the tricks yourself, and you’ll be surprised!


You can even get the chance to be a “durian seller” in this museum.


Make sure your camera is always ready for you to capture this wonderful moment.

Life Cycle of Durian (January till December)

Your journey will be incomplete if you don’t explore this life cycle of durian. Open your eyes and check out how the durian looks like throughout the year (January till December).

This is the chance to “experience” the durian in each of its growth phases.

Next will be the highlight of the museum. You’ll step into the learning centre that showcases all types of durian, of course including the Malaysian species.


Types of Durian


Durian Varieties

Types of Durian Species from Thailand

Take your time to read on and you’ll become a durian expert.

Yes! Feel the thorn! Be brave and feel it yourself! You’ll be surprised they’re not as sharp as you imagine.

Beginner Guide to Durian

Wow! This is for me – a beginner guide to durian. I was so excited when I came across this guide in the durian museum. I never know the flesh will be more watery if rainy season. Never and ever skip it if you’re a beginner like me, you’ll fall in love with it!


“Is these real?” someone asked me when she looked at them. Of course, the answer is NO. It showcases few types of durian available in Malaysia.

Durian Flesh


FUN FACT! 💡 You can identify the type of durian by referring to the colour of its flesh.


Look, what I found in this museum? Yes, you’re right! A “durian farm”.


You could never imagine how wonderful is it until you witness it by yourself. Take your time to stroll around the farm and I’m sure it’ll never fail to amaze you!

I found a “durian stall” in this farm.


Before ending your journey, it’s time for you to capture some photos with all these tropical fruits. SMART TIP! 💡 Make sure you get help from the staff to guide you on how to pose and have “funny” photos.

Yes! It’s me! I’m the “owner” of this fruit stall. Anyone would like to buy from me? 😉

Durian Museum - the perfect place for you to get up close and personal with all types of durian. It’s definitely a must-visit place for you when you’re in Penang, Malaysia. What are you waiting for? Come and explore this awesome museum today!


P/S: To get into a fun and memorable day during your trip in Penang; spend a day at The TOP KOMTAR, stroll around and discover all its build-in adventures.


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