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P. Ramlee House

penang Sep 01, 2021

Do you ever heard about P. Ramlee - one of the most famous Malaysian artists? No matter what is your answer, you can't afford to miss it and must pay a visit to P. Ramlee House located at P. Ramlee Road, Penang.

P. Ramlee and His Wife 

Let's have some fun facts before we continue our journey in this fantastic place. P. Ramlee's name was initially Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Puteh. He was born on 22 March 1929 and his parents were Che' Mah Hussein and Teuku Nyak Puteh bin Teuku Karim. He changed his name when he began his acting career. He was a comedian, actor, singer, composer, and film director. He died of a heart attack at the age of 44 on 29 May 1973.

P. Ramlee House 

P. Ramlee house was built from recycled wood by his father and uncle in the year 1926. It provides insight into P. Ramlee's younger days (from his schools day to his success as an artist). While you walk around this house, you'll discover his collections, such as his violin,  bicycle, bed, and many more.

P. Ramlee's Bicycle

P. Ramlee's Bed

P. Ramlee's Clothes

P. Ramlee's Violin

Kitchen Area


Want to know more about this Malaysian legend? Then, it's a must for you to continue your journey to P. Ramlee Gallery. It's located next to this old house. Take your time to explore, and you'll get everything you want to know about P. Ramlee.

P. Ramlee's Gallery


P. Ramlee's Bio and His Family Members 


P. Ramlee's Memory Lane

P. Ramlee's Violin 

P. Ramlee's Flute

P. Ramlee's Suitcase 

P. Ramlee's Typewriter 

Movie Posters 

Newspaper Cutting 


P. Ramlee House and his gallery are the perfect places for you to know about this Malaysian legend. He acted, directed and wrote more than 60 films and 250 songs throughout his career. He is also the winner of many national and international awards in the movie and music industry.

What are you waiting for? Come and discover the history yourself!


P/S: As a part of UNESCO World Heritage State, Penang offers you a unique style of culture that you'll fall in love with. Make sure you continue the excitement by exploring other unique historical attractions before you leave. Pick a place at random and spend the day there. You won't be disappointed.


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